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A toolbox for the simulation and analysis of stochastic chemical kinetics

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Examples: Plots

For in-depth description and additional information please refer to the supplement!

JAK-STAT signaling pathway

SSA real JAK-STAT pathway

SSA simulation results for the simplified JAK-STAT pathway. Individual realizations (green) and the mean of the counts of species including 1-σ intervals (blue) are shown.

MM states JAK-STAT pathway

SSE output moments JAK-STAT pathway

The counts of species and the concentration of the observable, i.e. total concentration of STAT, obtained by SSA simulation. The means, including 1-σ intervals, are shown.

The three-stage gene expression model

MoS Three-stage gene expression model

VoS Three-stage gene expression model

Mean and variance of species and output variables obtained by MM, MCM and IOS simulations.

PapI regulation model

MCM conditional y2 PapI regulation model

MCM marginal PapI regulation model