Download the CERENA.tar The file can be unzipped by any unzip utilities, or by executing the following command in a shell script:
tar xvf CERENA.tar
The unzipped CERENA folder then can be stored in a desired directory.
To use CERENA, install CERENA.m
must be run at the beginning of each MATLAB session. This step adds the CERENA path to the top of MATLAB search path.
- MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox
SUNDIALS CVODES and IDAS packages (are included in the CERENA.tar)
(Hindmarsh, A. C., Brown, P. N., Grant, K. E., Lee, S. L., Serban, R., Shumaker, D. E., and Woodward, C. S. (2005). SUNDIALS: Suite of Nonlinear and Differential/Algebraic Equation Solvers. ACM T. Math. Software, 31(3), 363–396)SBML Toolbox
(Keating, S. M., Bornstein, B. J., Finney, A., and Hucka M. (2006) SBMLToolbox: an SBML toolbox for MATLAB users. Bioinformatics, 22(10):1275–1277.)